Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shark Magic = Better Than Anything That No Talent Hack Criss Angel Could Ever Hope To Accomplish ...

In open water, there is often no place to hide. Some sharks have overcome this problem by making themselves invisible to both prey and predators, according to a new study.
Light trickery permits the optical illusion, described in the current issue of the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. The findings represent the first experimental tests of shark luminescence.
Lead author Julien Claes explained to Discovery News that about 50 different shark species, or more than 10 percent of all known sharks, are luminous. This means they can produce and emit light from their bodies.
Click here to view a slide show about super shark senses.
Claes and his colleagues chose to focus on one particular luminous shark, nicknamed "the phantom hunter of the fjords": the velvet belly lantern shark.
This shark's shimmer originates from light emitting organs called photophores from underneath its body, "effectively creating a glow from that region," said Claes, a researcher in the Laboratory of Marine Biology, Earth and Life Institute at the Catholic University of Louvain.

"Since many predators have upward-looking eyes, it is a common method of camouflage in the mesopelagic zone (from 656 to 3,281 feet below the surface), although it is the first time it is demonstrated in sharks," he added. (Click for More Article) ... 

Thats right ... that means Sharks can turn Mother F'in Invisible to you and me ... so, next time you're swimming, and your leg falls off in a bloody heap, you'll have no idea how it happened ... and the sharks love it that way ...

That picture up above?  Thats a blank ocean ... just water ... because thats the last thing you'll see before you'll get your face bit in half ... 

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