Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oww ... Ouch ... Ow ow ow ow ow ...

There's absolutely nothing I can say about THIS ...

This quote about sums it up:

“Luckily the horse did not chew up or swallow his testicle, but spit it onto the pavement"

If its the horse response to yesterday's 5 horse accident in California, then all I can say is this is especially brutal, and just so very, very wrong ...

Yet another painful reminder that when the AU does indeed come, no one, and apparently nothing, will be spared.

And just in case you think this is a joke, here's a couple of articles to back it up. Click HERE, and HERE ...

1 comment:

  1.'s getting more and more violent and personal by the day....


Thanks for Commenting ... now run and hide!